On this page I have tried to provide you with the answers you need. At SidClasses.com, I believe in transparency and making your learning journey as smooth as possible. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to address any queries you might have about the courses, enrollment, support, and more.

Whether you’re a first-time learner or a seasoned professional, my intention is to ensure your experience on this website is exceptional. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for in our FAQs, don’t hesitate to reach out to me (please use the form at the bottom of this page). I am here to assist you on your educational adventure.

Browse the FAQs below to find the answers you seek, and feel free to explore the diverse range of courses and resources on the website. Thank you for choosing Sidsclasses as your partner in learning and growth.

How come course prices are so affordable?

By the grace of God, I am a working professional. And I am passionate about teaching. I do not plan to earn by bread or run a business out of my classes.
Sid’s Classes will NEVER have any course fee. All amounts mentioned on the website are Tutor’s per hour charges for their time.
The mission of Sid’s Classes is to provide high-quality computer education which will be easily accessible and affordable.

Do you offer any free courses or trials?

There are no Free Courses at the moment on Sid’s Classes.

But definitely, I offer and expect all to opt in for a Demo Class. The Demo Classes are held on Fridays and Saturdays  (subject to availability).

I do believe that a student must study from someone whom s/he can understand. If s/he cannot understand from me, I do think it would be unethical on my part to ask him/her to join.

You can ask for a free demo class on any of the courses I provide.

Who can enroll for a course?

The courses on Sid’s Classes are for all. Whether you are a student or someone who needs to refresh up or even someone who is interested can join.

The courses are designed keeping in view that students may not have any prior experience with writing codes. However, some courses do have a pre-requisite of some specific skills. Please check the course you are interested in.

How do I enroll in a course?

Please fill up the form on any of the pages of the website. Do mention your name, phone number the course you would be interested to join in and the reason you want to join.

Once we receive your information, we will email you further instructions within the next 24 working hours.

What if my group has more than 5 students?

No problems, I can accomodate more students in a batch if they come in as a group and are willing to study together. Note that the payment per class would need to be divided between the group.

What about the Course Duration?

Course Durations as mentioned on the course pages are tentative. In reality, these durations would depend on how are the students. If the students grasp the topics faster and complete their assignments on time, the course would be completed in the mentioned time frame.

What if I fail to understand a topic or lecture?

Don’t worry, it happens with many students. What I would suggest is to be open about it (the fact that you did not understand what was discussed in a session). Let me know, the same day or before the next class.

Depending on the session in question, you will either be needed to attend an extra session or the next class, the same topic can be covered again.

Can I learn at my own pace?

There are two aspects to your question.

1. If you want to take a break and then continue from where you left off – Yes, this can be done, but it is subject to availability of time slots.

2. If you are referring to learning as and when you want, this will not be possible here. Reason being all my classes are live – in-person and not pre-recorded videos where you can watch them at your own available time.

Is this an offline tutorial?

No. Sidsclasses.com is not an offline tutorial. The classes are conducted online – using Google Meet / Zoom / Microsoft Teams.

You will be studying from your place and there is no physical classroom kind of setup.

All you need is access to internet. You can learn from home, office (after office hours) or even an internet cafe or your preferred location.

How do I pay the course fee?

First, please note that there is no course fee, per se. You will be paying me for my time for training you on the subject.

You would be sent detailed instructions once you have filled up and sent me the Application Form for the course. Please refer to the question “How do I enroll for a course?” above to know more on how can you enroll for a course.

Can I pay in installments?


  • You can pay per class (before the start of the class)
  • Weekly (before the start of the week)
  • Fortnightly (before the start of the fortnight)
  • Monthly (before the start of the month)
  • At a time (full payment before the start of the course)

Can I ask for a refund?

Yes, refunds with a valid reason are possible. You will receive the balance amount back.

Balance Amount is calculated as –
Total Amount Paid – (Number of classes attended X Fee per class).

So if you have paid 500.00 and have attended 3 classes, assuming the rates per hour are 100.00, you would be refunded 500.00 – (3x 100.00) = 500.00 – 300.00 = 200.00

Group Discounts for organizations or schools?


Please get in touch with me using the form at the bottom of any page on the website. We can surely work out something for the good of all.

Support for students during the courses?

During the course:

1. Every batch has a weekly question and answer session wherein the students can ask questions on the subject they are learning – normally on a Saturday.

2. Every fortnight (2 weeks), there is a discussion on a topic related to the subject wherein students are required to do some research on their own. It can be a Topic or even a Problem Question.

After the course:

Every of my student will have direct access to me. I will be available to answer to his/her questions.

Are there any Extra Activities?

Yes. I have planned out a few extra activities for the benefits of my students. Some of them are –

  • Workshops
  • Quizzes
  • Code Marathon
  • Guest Lectures
  • Mock Interviews
  • Webinars

Please check the Events Section on the home page or the Events page to find out more about these events.

Whether you are currently my student or someone who studied at Sidsclassess.com in the past, you would be sent an invitation to join.

What About the Course Materials?

I would highly recommend that you buy your own choice of books if needed. My perspective is that a book which might be good to me, might be too technical for you. In simple words, buy a book that you would understand, not what your teacher understands.

Every session, I will help you write out the notes of the session.

All codes, theory etc of the session will be sent to you after every session via email or otherwise.

Do I get a Certificate after the course?

Unfortunately, No. Not at this stage.

As of today, Sidsclasses.com is not an institution and hence it cannot issue you a certificate.

Is my data secure with sidsclasses.com ?

Your personal details like Email, WhatsApp, Payment IDs etc will never be shared with anyone unless asked for by the Legal Authorities of India.

For detailed information please visit the Privacy Policy page.

I do not find my question listed on the FAQs List

I completely understand you. Please fill up the form at the end of any page of sidsclasses.com with your question. I will try to get back to you within the next 48 working hours.